Our Story
Beginning in 2023, we set out to create spaces for college students to learn about and experience the deep roots of Christianity, regardless of their faith background.
Why did I never know what the first centuries of church leaders wrote?
This is one of the questions that fueled our beginning. We were bothered by our own lack of awareness of what church leaders and heroes of the faith (like Justin Martyr, Athanasius, and John Chrysostum among so many others) wrote and we wanted to introduce college students to these writings and commentaries on Scripture. So, we set out to create a relaxed space where students could gather every week and hear about the roots of Christianity, choosing how the faith and teaching of these early Christians would impact their life today.
A new (actually old) way to pray and worship.
We also wanted to show students what these early understandings of Christianity looked like. This prompted the ongoing development on each campus of prayer and worship services which follow the same rubric of those established in the 4th Century. We want students to experience, and not just hear about, how the early Church practiced their faith.